Wednesday, December 28, 2011

MWW 7: гэр


1. home
2. yurt
In Genghis Khan’s time it was ger.

Since I wrote about my ger in the last post, why not make ger the next word of the fortnight?
My ger
Ger in the snow
Ger has both a general meaning and a specific meaning. In the specific sense, it refers to the traditional Mongolian nomadic dwelling made of felt over a wooden frame - otherwise known as a “yurt” in English. But aside from that, in the general sense, ger means simply “home.” Of course for many Mongols, possibly the majority, the two senses coincide and no distinction need be made. But wherever you live is your ger, whether it’s a yurt, a house, an apartment, or a palace. Even the president of the United States, as he heads to the White House, would be justified in uttering this common phrase,

Би гэрлүүгээ явлаа.
Bi gerlüügee yavlaa.
“I’m going home.”

in which gerlüügee is the same as the English adverb “home” - composed of ger, “home,” lüü, “to” (an allative case suffix), and ee, the reflexive possessive suffix, which is really interesting, but basically means that the thing it’s attached to belongs to the subject of the sentence.

Rural ger decked out with solar panel and satellite dish.

гэрлүүгээ харих
to return (to one's own) home

гэрийн даалгавар
гэрийн ажил хийх
to do housework
гэр барих
to build a ger
гэр дулаалдах 
to winterize a ger (link)

I could go on with this word, but why not stretch it out and save some of the more interesting derived forms for later posts?
Gers should be cleaned out regularly.


  1. I have to ask: Why is there a cow coming out of this ger (yurt)? In your last posting (12-24)it showed the peng being erected, Were these pictures of your winterized ger taken before?

    1. The pictures of my ger were taken before the ping was added.

      In the last picture, someone left their ger door open, and the calf walked in. Then they pushed it out.

  2. I would like to hear about your secondary school and the students. Also how do you cook, where do you buy the meat, etc.
