Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Erecting a Ger - Part III: Dressing the Ger

A layer of canvas is put over the roof poles. Ropes help keep it down.

So do cloth loops.

Then there’s a felt sheet over the roof.

Push more of them up with a spare pole.

Felt sheets around the walls. Ropes threaded through one corner of the sheet, over the roof, and threaded again through the other corner, help keep the sheets on the ger.

Putting up the paper covering.

This is Russian. Apparently the paper covering is … milk?

Putting up the waterproof plastic tarp.

More canvas on top.

There are two pillars on either side of the doorframe. Two ropes (or in this case, giant rubber bands, I guess) run all the way around the outside of the ger. They are looped around the poles and then tied to the doorframe.


  1. Next question: What was used before the invention of plastic tarp?

    1. Don't know. Maybe they greased the canvas up with animal fat? On the other hand, they had no electricity, which eliminates the worst danger from water seeping in.
